Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Summer Summer Time

First of all, thank goodness that heat wave is over.  What a siege.  New York City in the dog days of summer is unbelievably gross, sticky and all-around uncomfortable; so even the warm-to-hot days when one can have one's windows open to the sweet twilight air are heavenly.

How's my summer going, though, you ask? Well...

I have been sick for three weeks with some variation of strep throat.  It is incredibly annoying and I am crossing my fingers this last bout of antibiotics wipes that bitch out.

The NYMF (New York Music Theatre Festival - the "T" is silent) has come and gone, and with it, a lovely staged reading of a new musical I was fortunate enough to participate in.

There have been long hours at my desk as I've added and subtracted and polished both my memoir - "The Definition of (Love) Insanity"- and my intro-to-wine book "All You REALLY Need to Know About Wine."

I have knocked Team #18, the St. Louis Cardinals, off my list as I work towards singing for every Major League Baseball team.  This completes my 2013 anthems, unless that woman from the As stops teasing me with "let me check the calendar and I'll get back to you" and actually gets back to me.

And I've consumed about sixty-eight gallons of wine on rooftops and in bars and on my sofa.

It's been a pretty fun summer so far, I suppose.  I would honestly rather be inside, performing a wonderful theatrical piece somewhere.  Or even in a humid rehearsal room.  Or even in a humid and un-air-conditioned audition room.  Or out on a boat on the Turkish Mediterranean - my new favorite dream vacation destination (I'm not a total glutton for punishment.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there has been much about this summer to enjoy.  But I am dreaming of the fall.  Of wearing a sweater.  Of "good sleeping weather."  Of colored leaves crunching under my feet.  Of returning to Indy to do "Les Miz."  Of returning to Indy to spend hours in the gym and eat really well and get fantastically into shape while I'm doing "Les Miz." Of winding up this incredible year with a bang so that I can catapult into the clean slate of 2014 laid out in front of me.

If I start running now, just think
of all the momentum
I can gain.

Meanwhile, I wil enjoy this beautiful city in all its stunning summer glory, be it hot or humid or both.

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